Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Monday, January 24, 2011

Breaking An Addiction To Chewing Tobacco With NLP

ch_client = "articlealley"; ch_type = "mpu"; ch_width = 590; ch_height = 250; ch_color_title = "006699"; ch_color_site_link = '006699'; ch_non_contextual = 4; ch_noborders = 1; ch_vertical ="premium"; ch_sid = "590x250_Article_1st"; var ch_queries = new Array( ); var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length)); if ( ch_selected < ch_queries.length ) { ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected]; } The smokeless tobacco addiction is every bit as deadly as an addiction to cigarettes - maybe even more so. In fact, many experts believe that it is even more insidious. Part of the problem is that influential sports heroes have glamorized the use of chew. Many have started their habit as early as the age of nine. And by the time that many of these kids turn 18, they are overcome by mouth and throat cancer, and may be dying.

There is nothing quite as ugly as a face ravaged by tumors or cancer, except maybe how the victim's face looks after having surgery to amputate the jawbone, lips, or tongue. Unfortunately, in most cases the surgical massacre of the victim's face really doesn't matter, because they are dead within a year anyway.

Doctors tell us that the physical part of the Nicotine addiction is broken after abstaining for seven days. However, the psychological addiction is much stronger and takes a lot more time and effort to overcome making it difficult to quit smokeless tobacco.

There are 3 distinct components to the addiction to tobacco. Two of the elements are mental, and one part is physical.


When you were an infant and you became upset, your mother would put a nipple into your mouth to pacify you. You would get distracted, become peaceful, and often go to sleep. That scenario was repeated dozens of times so that your unconscious mind was programmed: When something goes into your mouth, you get relaxation and pleasure from it.

Now that you are a grownup, if you feel anxious or tense, you crave something in your mouth for relaxation and pleasure - dip!


Remember Pavlov? Every time that he fed his dogs he would ring a bell. After several repetitions, he could just ring the bell, and that would trigger the dogs to salivate.

When you connect together dipping with any other behavior, the other behavior will trigger cravings for tobacco and a urge to chew. This is called a conditioned response.

For example: If you chew when you play baseball, you will automatically get an urge to chew each time you play baseball.

Here is exactly how this conditioned response gets programmed into your unconscious: If a person dips tobacco and simultaneously drives a car, the mind takes a snapshot of the dip in the hand, and links it to the image of the steering wheel, dashboard, or view out the windshield, etc.. Thereafter, every time the person drives the car, the unconscious mind fills in the missing part of the picture. It flashes an image of the chew in the hand coming towards the mouth, and the dipper gets a craving for smokeless.

You may not be consciously aware of the mental picture of the smokeless, because it may only be at the unconscious level of mind. Just as you are unaware of what you are seeing through your peripheral vision until someone or something draws your attention to it. But the image is there, creating a craving for chewing tobacco.


I've worked face-to-face with several thousand people for tobacco cessation and I give you my personal guarantee that the physical addiction is the weakest part of the addiction to smokeless tobacco. In fact, I believe that it is only ten percent of the chewing habit. Ninety percent of the dipping habit are the mental and emotional parts! (Parts A and B).


What this means is that when you eliminate the feeling of tension that causes you to chew smokeless for relaxation and pleasure (Part A) . . . and if you can extinguish the conditioned response of feeling cravings for smokeless tobacco when watching television, driving, or finishing a meal, etc. (Part B) . . . then you can give up tobacco without needing willpower, and without having to suffer from withdrawal symptoms or gaining weight. ch_client = "articlealley"; ch_type = "mpu"; ch_width = 590; ch_height = 250; ch_color_title = "006699"; ch_color_site_link = '006699'; ch_non_contextual = 4; ch_noborders = 1; ch_vertical ="premium"; ch_sid = "590x250_Article_2nd"; var ch_queries = new Array( ); var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length)); if ( ch_selected < ch_queries.length ) { ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected]; }

Hypnosis will make it easy to break the addiction to smokeless because it takes care of Parts A & B! Here is how:

Part A is where dippers chew smokeless tobacco for relaxation and pleasure. It's a person's thoughts that create feelings of stress. Moreover, people constantly watch mental movies in their mind's eye. If the movie is negative, it creates a feeling of anxiety.

We can use different hypnotic methods to re-program the unconscious to rapidly take those anxiety producing mental pictures, and automatically exchange them for relaxation producing mental pictures and movies. This creates relaxation and pleasure, and obliterates the anxiety that creates the oral cravings and compulsions for chewing.

Because of the elimination of feelings of anxiety, the person who is quitting does not feel the compulsion or need to substitute food in place of the smokeless tobacco. So quitting without weight gain is possible.

Quitting the addiction to smokeless tobacco is very similar to overcoming the addiction to food, cigarettes, and nail biting. I have many additional original articles on these topics in my free NLP & hypnosis article library.

Part B is where people chew because dipping smokeless tobacco becomes a conditioned response to many different activities and locations. Remember in the earlier example how smoking became unconsciously associated with other activities and environments so that each time people get into that activity or environment, the mind flashes an image of smokeless, and the image of the smokeless triggers cravings for smokeless?

There are stop smokeless hypnosis, and quit smokeless NLP techniques that can quickly eliminate those conditioned responses so that your unconscious will lose the cravings for chew, and the compulsion to dip. As a matter of fact, you can even get a compulsion to reject chewing tobacco.


In summation, when we utilize certain NLP methods, it becomes very easy to stop chewing tobacco without weight gain or having to suffer from withdrawal. And many of these methods like video hypnosis and NLP don't even depend on post-hypnotic suggestions. They depend on training the subconscious mind to use the same mental processes that the mind is using to create the addiction to dipping smokeless tobacco, to eliminate the mental addiction.

Author's Bio
Alan B. Densky, CH offers Hypnosis CDs to overcome smokeless tobacco. He helps clients with hypnosis for weight loss, smoke cessation hypnosis, and stress related symptoms. He maintains a library of NLP & hypnosis articles, and offers FREE NLP & hypnosis newsletters and MP3's.

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