Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Thursday, March 17, 2011

NLP Technique For Making Great Decisions

An all important aspect of life is making good decisions. The ability to make good decisions literally determines your outcomes in life. While some people believe in faith, even faith is dictated by the decisions you make. Knowing the secret to good decisions will help you lead a fulfilled, successful and happy life.

What constitutes a good decision?

A good decision is one that leads you towards the goal or outcome in life you want to achieve. For instance, if you want to lose twenty pounds, every decision you make about food you consume determines if you are going to achieve that goal or stay where you currently are. The cold fact is, successful people make successful decisions. If you are having trouble making the correct decisions in your life, then you definitely need to use this simple technique.

How to make a good decision.

The human mind, in all of its incredible complexity, functions in a simple way. In fact, if you think about it now, all ingenious ideas are based on simplicity, the brain is no different. The human mind is completely enclosed inside the skull and has no direct contact with world. This means the only way the brain experiences reality is through our five senses: sight, touch, sound, smell, and taste. Using this idea, we can determine how your brain files a "good" decision versus a "bad" decision.

The process is simple. First, think about a decision you made in the past which was a good decision. A decision that lead to a great outcome. It can be anything, but preferably recall a big decision that went well. When you think about that decision, notice how your brain files this decision. In other words what does the decision look like? How does it feel? Does it have a sound associated with it? A smell or taste? Just go ahead and write down whatever you notice about the decision. Then look around the room for a moment to clear your mind.

The next step is to recall a decision that you wish you hadn't made and go through the same process. Just write down everything you notice about the bad decision. How it looked? How it felt? How it sounded, smelled or tasted if those exist.

The last step is to compare your two lists. How do the decisions differ in how they are filed in your mind? Do they both look almost the same except in one you notice there is a feeling in your chest? Notice what difference exists however minor.

The next time you need to make a decision imagine both decisions and compare the decisions to your list. Whichever one is the closest match to how you filed the "good" decision is the right one to go with.

This technique is powerful but its not enough. There are still more decision making skills you need to acquire in order to move to success in your life. To discover more success tips in just minutes from now...

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Ryan Camana MNLP, MHt, MTT, BA is one of the worlds foremost experts on bullet fast personal development. With his extensive knowledge in hypnosis, NLP, TIME Techniques and his own proprietary healing techniques Ryan guides people all over the world to overcome the issues that have held them back from living to their full potential.

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