Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Change The World With Nlp

NLP is a self-help approach that assists patients in understanding the way we think and feel. It is said that NLP can be a helpful fibromyalgia treatment by helping the sufferer find freedom from underlying emotional issues that contribute to chronic pain and other symptoms.

NLP stands from Neuro-Linguistic Programming. "Neuro" refers to how the brain works. "Linguistic" is defined as how language interacts with brain. The word "Programming" describes how we use this interaction to get the results we want.

The basic principle of NLP is that the words we use reflect our inner, subconscious perception of our problems. If we allow our negative perceptions and words to fester, the underlying problem will continue. These negative words and attitudes can actually become who we are. Reality is processed by our five senses and nervous system which translate into experience.

Looking at premise behind NLP, that language and non-verbal communication gives meaning to our experience. It does make sense that if we are made aware of our own negative communication patterns, experience can be modified into more positive ways of thinking and communicating.

NLP is designed to change unwanted behaviors and beliefs, to help us achieve personal acceptance and improve our lives. NLP systematically explores, illustrates, and teaches patterns of human perception and information processing, behavior, and communication. The goal is to help eliminate the things that block your abilities to function and strengthen those that help you achieve excellence and overall wellness.

Language & words have a powerful effect on altering perceptions. It is suggested that NLP offers a flexible approach which brings about positive, fast change in individuals, empowering them to adapt to an ever-shifting inner world. NLP shows us how to understand and model our own successes in a realistic way, so that we can reproduce them.

Since we are all so different when it comes to our pain perception, severity and emotional status, what might work for some, may not work for others. You do get what you focus on, so focus on what you want. Basically, its an attitude adjustment.

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