Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Friday, March 11, 2011

Can We Help Others Align? - Abraham Hicks - add me as a friend on Facebook! Have you ever watched the News and dreamed about what it would look like if there were World Peace? Or, closer to home, how many times have you watched the interactions of those around you and felt pain as you watched THEM experiencing pain? With this Law of Attraction thing, can we all band together and help the world align? And if there's a way to help others who are painfully disconnected to come into alignment, what is it? Another excellent Law of Attraction excerpt where Esther Hicks / Abraham Hicks talks with a woman about the world and our place in it as joyful attractors. And hey if you read other types of books you'll see close similarities to some aspects of Neuro Linguistic Programming, and Psycho Cybernetics concepts too. This is so much fun! abraham hicks, esther hicks, jerry hicks, abraham, law of attraction, the secret, world peace, fighting, helping others, martyr, war, solutions for war, helping friends, loved ones, family, nlp, neurolinguistic programming, psycho cybernetics, servo mechanism
Time:09:58More inHowto & Style

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