Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How Can You Learn NLP?

Your choice depends on your budget and time.

Learn NLP: Option #1 - The Fastest

Go to an 8 day NLP Training seminar by a respected NLP trainer, like mine.

In my NLP training you will get 90+ hours of experience in just 8 days! You could study books and recordings for years and still not "get it" the way you will by participating in a seminar that uses NLP to teach you NLP. The time compression, exercises and guidance from the trainer, make this the MOST COST EFFICIENT option. "Learning NLP is a full body sport" - Richard Bandler.

Learn NLP: Option #2 - Fast

Have private sessions with an NLP Coach, like me.

Very effective and cost efficient for those who have done option #1 and want to advance their skills in a specific area, they have a base of experience and understanding. For those without option #1... Option #2 is less cost for each session than doing option #1, but much more cost over the number of sessions it would take to even get close to the level achieved by option #1. Private sessions are cost effective when the objective is to find solutions to a specific problem, rather than to "learn NLP".

Learn NLP: Option #3 - Slow

Buy the books, and recordings.

Work through them regularly, DO any exercises suggested, TEST the things you learn. Find a PRACTICE group, or someone, that can provide you with feedback on your understanding and use of each skill. Without a feedback loop on your understanding and use of the skills, you could be practicing incorrectly. Option #3 is USUALLY* less cost than option #1, IF.. you don't consider your time to be valuable. Option #3 IS cost effective for those who have done option #1 and want to advance their skills in a specific area, they have a base of experience and understanding.

* Some people spend more time and money on books and recordings, than the investment required to participate in an actual NLP training.

Learn NLP: Option #4 - Slowest

Read web sites and the e-mails on discussion lists.

Most lists and web sites DO PROVIDE GEMS OF INFORMATION, although a 'complete picture' is often difficult to find. Again, a FANTASTIC resource for those who have done option #1. For those who haven't... without setting up a feedback loop on your understanding and use of the skills you read about, it is difficult to know if you are using any of them correctly. Some skills require no words to demonstrate, and a whole book to explain.

NOTES: Like most skills... you're going to need to invest many hours to learn NLP, perhaps more than 90 hours ;-) Time and money... wisely invested in your mind.

Steve Boyley, JAFS. NLPT. MCHt.NLP training courses renowned worldwide.

NLP Training courses seminar. Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP training in Canada USA, UK and worldwide. NLP is defined as a practical model of the processes we experience to experience reality. NLP describes how to recognize, use and change mental programming. For more information please visit: NLP training

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