Self Improvement Do you subscribe to the fact that we are in a recession? According to most economic indicators we are in pretty bad shape and things don't look like they are going to be turning around anytime soon. So what does that mean for you..
I look at things a certain way and maybe after reading this article you will too. I see the recession as being a wake up call. For too many years it was too easy to make a living in the United States. For example, not to long ago anyone who carried a real estate license could buy and sell houses fairly easily and make money. Where I'm located in South Florida this place was no exception. I know of a 24 year old Miami based Realtor who made close to half of a million dollars in 2006 doing just that. The requirement to fill certain voids were far and few. In those days anyone who had a basic understanding of HTML could call themselves a web designer and get a decent paying job. Demand for goods and services were at such an all time high that made the supply of truly experienced, and professional providers at an all time low. These easy times seduced many people into taking jobs and moving in directions that may not have really been for them. Now, as times have changed we are experiencing an unveiling and weighing in to see who really belongs where they say they are. Take a look around and you will notice that the strong elite of any industry and profession always seem to survive both bad and good times. This happens because they come from a place of LIFE PURPOSE and deep rooted CONNECTION to what they do. These kinds of people are so passionate about what they do and their clients / jobs / customers that they conserve during the ups so they can still serve their life purpose during the downs. Why would someone with a deeply rooted strong purpose live and govern them self any other way? As you can probably imagine, many in this elite club do pretty well even in times like these.
If you haven't though about it by now then take a second to ask yourself why many professionals are struggling today. It's easy to blame the economy, but the real answer lays within the individual. The actual truth is that everyday of every week there ARE, for example, real estate professionals out there selling houses and doing profitable business. Get this, there are actually some Realtors who are going to make 2009 their best year ever! Why do you think that is? Is it because they are lucky? That is a convenient thought, but it isn't the truth. The answer is because these exceptional elite few found their TRUE calling instead of being swayed into following the heard during 'good times.' This mind set resulted in these individuals making themselves into essentially recession proof individuals. The recession is a state of mind more then a state of being.
These kinds of people I've been talking about do what they have to do based on purpose and following a personal path rather then a sense of obligation. Sure, obligation somewhat goes hand in hand but to be elite and essentially recession proof then you need to be coming from a rooted place of purpose. By now you may get it, then again there are always some people who don't. It's kind of like how you can't have: rich without poor, good without bad, and strong without weak. Its the way nature designed things.
As you are reading this you may be finding yourself curious to know if you are truly on your path. A quick and easy way to get some insight into this answer is to figure out if you are worth enough to invest in, and if you have the courage to take the first step. Some of the most successful, happy, and purposeful people in the world invest in themselves through materials, consultants, coaches and courses that make them more rooted and connected to what they do. When I had my last company I spent as much as I could afford on training, coaching, consulting, and self improvement. It was all for one reason: I loved what I did and because of that I naturally wanted to deliver the best services to my clients and customers that I was humanly capable of. Understand that people in this elite club see, feel and understand the cause and affect relationship with investing in yourself leading toward the bigger picture.
Everyday you have a choice to be either: rich or poor, average or great, happy or sad, a sheep or the herder. Where you are right now is a reflection of the choices you have made and the meanings you have placed on those choices. It's never too late to figure things out and begin the journey to where you want to be. First, you need to know how to take the first step and where to start. Figure that out and then you will be on your personal path toward success and happiness.
Good luck and Namaste.
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