Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Convert Prospects Into Paying Customers - Use NLP Advanced Language Patterns

Alright, you've got you website up, the salesletters out in the mail, or your ads in the papers.

I'll assume you've read a lot of the advice the "marketing gurus" - you've changed your features into benefits, you've opitmized your website, you wrote like you talked - and everything else they suggested.

I'm also assuming you're offering a product that is useful and unique to your prospects.

So, you've done all the right things and yet no one is buying. What have you done wrong? What's going on?

The answer is simple: you're not getting your prospects emotionally involved, you're not convincing them... you're not influencing subconsciously.

A lot of the gurus pay lip service to the fact that "people buy on emotion, but justify their purchase with logic." They say the best way to do that is to convert your features into benefits. But years of experience has taught me that just telling your prospects about the benefits of your offering isn't enough. It isn't enough to turn these readers into paying customers - especially if they've never heard of you before.

Luckily, there is a method for reaching prospects emotionally and on a subconscious level. And when you do that, you'll be reaching them where the REAL buying decisions take place.

The method I'm talking about is using something called NLP Advanced Language Patterns.

This has long been the secret of some of the savviest marketers and copywriters around. A secret many of them would not want YOU to have.

The NLP Language Patterns were originally used in therapy to change a patient's emotional states, change their core beliefs, and change their negative behaviors.

But some of the salespeople who took the original NLP trainings realized that these language patterns can be used in advertising for an astounding increase in effectiveness.

How can you use these persuasive patterns to increase the effectiveness of YOUR advertising?

First realize that advertising is not about educating prospects and telling them what you have. No, it's all about changing prospect's emotional states and getting them to take action by pressing all the motivational hot buttons you can.

NLP talks about 2 types of motivational directions. You have "moving away" motivation and "moving toward" motivational direction. With a moving away motivation a person avoids pain, problems, and negativity. In the opposite direction we have moving toward motivation. Here a person is drawn to achieving goals, gaining pleasure, going after the good things in life.

Successful marketers agree that using a moving-away motivational strategy outpulls a moving-toward strategy by almost 10 to 1.

How can you use this? Brainstorm all the problems and pain your prospects are in because they don't have your product or use your service.

When you have a list, focus on the strongest for your market.

Then use this language pattern:

* Stop putting up with (PROBLEM).
- "Stop putting up with a garden full of weeds."
- "Stop putting up with ineffective advertising."

Next, you have to ask yourself:
"Why should people choose my product or service over my competition's?"

If you've read a lot about marketing you'll realize this is our U.S.P. or Unique Selling Proposition.

A language pattern to emphasize your competitive edge goes like this:

* Unlike other (COMPANIES IN YOUR INDUSTRY), (YOUR COMPANY OR PRODUCT) is the only one that (YOUR USP).

- "Unlike other landscaping companies, Green Thumbs is the only one that will give you your money back if you even get one weed within a month of our lawn treatment."

- "Unlike other marketing methods, using NLP Language Patterns in your advertising is the only method that DIRECTLY influences a prospect's subconscious decision-making mind."

Prospects have to believe that you'll be able to solve their problems. One way to do that is have the prospect "presuppose" that you'll be able to help them - without having you straight out tell them you can help.

What's wrong with telling them straight out? Nothing, if you can prove that you can help them. But with all the bragging, hype, and lies prospects are suspicious of many advertisements...especially of the "salesletter" type.

When you presuppose something is so, you bypass the conscious, rational mind and hit the subconscious mind - making your communication much more persuasive.

Although there are many ways to use different types of presuppositions, I'll just give you 2 here:

One way is to ask a question that presupposes they'll get what they want if they buy and use your offering.

- "Which of your neighbours will be the most jealous of your lush, green, weed-free lawn?"

- " How are you going to handle all the new business you're going to get?"

So think of the final effect of your offer on the prospect's life and presuppose that they'll get their desired outcome by asking a question.

Another way to presuppose your prospect will get their outcome is to use "adverbs of time." Here you use time words to subconsciously suggest they'll get what they want. Words like "after," "before," "once," and "when" are particularly powerful.

- "After we come and beautify your lawn, you'll receive a gift certificate / you're going to...."

- "Before you order NLP Language Patterns for Advertsing, make sure you can handle all the new customers."

- "Once you use our service, you'll swear by it."

When you sprinkle these type of presuppositions throughout your copy, you'll be impressed, really impressed by the results.

There is so much more you can do with NLP Language for Advertising including:

* Getting prospects to believe you're wonderful while at the same time thinking your competition is not to be trusted

* Creating pictures in your prospects' minds of how much better their life will be after they buy from you

* Embedding commands into your ads - doing this will make it easier for your customers to act NOW

* and lots more

A complaint I sometimes hear about using NLP Language Patterns for advertising is that they are extremely manipulative. To that, I always ask, what's the difference between manipulation and persuasion?

If you respect your prospect and everything you do is ecological towards their outcomes and in their best interest, you won't get any complaints from them - on the contrary - if what you're offering is of high quality, you'll receive nothing but praise.

In today's competitive climate, you must use all the persuasive tools available to you to move your prospects in the direction you want. Because if you don't, your competition surely will.

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